Circle Of Life Mac OS
Circle Of Life Mac OS
How The Circle of Life Self-Assessment
Process Worked for Kate
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- The circle of life is a symbolic representation of birth, survival and death. The idea of life as a circle or a wheel exists across multiple religions and philosophies. Some wheels or circles are considerably more complex than others. Life is represented as a circle because it is a constant loop.
- Circle of Life Society. Please consider making the On With Life family stronger by joining the Circle of Life Society with a donation to the Annual Fund of at least $1,000. Your donation will make a significant impact on things such as specialized equipment and program needs along with essential family support so our persons served and families.
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This example will give you a sense of how the Circle of Life works. Kate is in a 12 week Circle of Life program hosted by her local Arthritis Foundation. The group meets every Thursday from 9:00-10:30 a.m. and there are 11 others in the group. Kate's arthritis is beginning to cause increased discomfort and limitations in her life. It is impacting her work, particularly when her pain is distracting. She doesn't like the side effects of the pain medication and yet her condition is worsening.
First Kate evaluates her situation and satisfaction with life through self-inquiry using the graphical Circle assessment form. The self-inquiry process revealed Kate's greatest strengths and her most deficient areas.
Each participant in Kate's support group shared out loud one of their strengths. Kate's area of greatest strength was in the spirituality and intuition aspect of her life. She felt rich in her spiritual life and knew that could help provide inner power to support her to change in her weaker areas.
Kate decided to give her attention to two of her deficient areas, which were exercise and nutrition. She would begin with exercise, because her support group decided that they all wanted to focus on exercise also.
Next she turned to the exercise section of the manual, read through the self-inquiry questionnaire and jotted down her responses.
The group participants each shared ideas, information, testimony and referrals pertaining to the topic of exercise. From the self-inquiry questions and from the group sharing, Kate began to formulate a goal and some appropriate action steps to take. She turned to the Strengths, Goal, Challenge, Action sheet and filled it in.
She then turned to the weekly schedule and wrote down the action steps she wanted to take for the following week. She also filled in the Living a Life of Health, Joy and Inner Peace form.
Kate shared her goal, challenge, affirmation and action steps out loud to the group and to the facilitator for accountability and support.
In the next meeting participants reviewed their goals and action steps. The facilitator went around to each person asking them to share the successes of taking their action steps or share what they learned from the process. Kate took one action step out of the four she committed to. The facilitator asked her questions about what she experienced or learned about the size of her action steps, scheduling, challenges etc. Kate realized she tried to do too much, which set her up for overwhelm and failure.
Through the group sharing, the facilitator's questions and her own learning, she reset her action steps to be smaller and more realistic. She originally set her goal for exercising one hour 5 times a week. She adjusted her action steps by changing to a more realistic program. She decided to start easier and slower which was to do 15 minutes of appropriate exercise 5 days a week. She would increase a little bit each week until she reached her new goal of 45 minutes every other day and 20 minutes on alternate days.
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After four weeks of the Circle of Life program, Kate and her group re-evaluated using the Circle self-inquiry assessment. Her scores increased from two up to six in exercise and from two to six in diet, but she was still deficient in self-care. After four weeks Kate had already begun to experience more mobility, and her pain diminished somewhat without needing additional medication. This naturally gave her more self-confidence and comfort in her personal and work life. She and the group continued the process and she now began to study and implement self-care methods.
After 12 weeks, Kate had met her two original goals which were to have more mobility and less pain. Through the process of clarifying her intention and taking reasonable, consistent steps she found that the power for healing was within her own control and that she could create positive life outcomes. The process was so life changing that she wanted to continue progressing. She and another member of the group continued, on a weekly basis, to support each other using the Circle of Life method.
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The Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coaching process is a best practice lifestyle coaching method. Its six phases maximize accountability and support continuous improvement for work-life balance, stress management, better health, and peace of mind.
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Circle Of Life Mac OS