Canards Actuels Mac OS
Canards Actuels Mac OS
Undergraduate Poster Session
Mac OS knowledge. Call Center experience. Job Description: Assist customers in person, over the telephone, or through email with a variety of technical issues. On Mac OS X, you can change the icon for almost any file on your computer. In most cases it's as simple as copy-pasting the image into the right window. If you want to alter certain special icons such as Finder, you'll need to delve a little deeper into the Apple system.
Abstract Title
Author Information
What campus are you from?
Daytona Beach
Authors' Class Standing
Xinyu Yang, Senior Zebulon Yerby, Senior
Lead Presenter's Name
Xinyu Yang
Faculty Mentor Name
Canards Actuels Mac Os Catalina
Currently not applicable
Blended wing body configuration is becoming popular in recent designs, and it is not covered as much as conventional configurations. This project originated from individual work is focusing on a hybrid wing body designed to carry heavy cargo and land on a relatively short runway. It requires the group to evaluate the validity of design with canards to resolve problems caused by the center of pressure shifting under different configurations of the aircraft. In the process, three students will conduct CFD (mainly panel method and VLM for lower cost) and wind tunnel testing to learn and improve the design. The group will first verify the validity of the simulations taking advantage of the DIY experiment of AE315 at the end of this semester, and then conduct more simulation in winter. Depending on the time required for the research and development, the group may propose a prototype design using CAD model in May 2021. A more detailed timeline will be determined after the method of simulation is verified with faculties. The goal of this project is to end up with a hybrid wing body design and to utilize the skills and knowledge we obtained in college.
Did this research project receive funding support from the Office of Undergraduate Research.
A Conceptual Hybrid Wing Body Design with Powered High-Lift Device
Blended wing body configuration is becoming popular in recent designs, and it is not covered as much as conventional configurations. This project originated from individual work is focusing on a hybrid wing body designed to carry heavy cargo and land on a relatively short runway. It requires the group to evaluate the validity of design with canards to resolve problems caused by the center of pressure shifting under different configurations of the aircraft. In the process, three students will conduct CFD (mainly panel method and VLM for lower cost) and wind tunnel testing to learn and improve the design. The group will first verify the validity of the simulations taking advantage of the DIY experiment of AE315 at the end of this semester, and then conduct more simulation in winter. Depending on the time required for the research and development, the group may propose a prototype design using CAD model in May 2021. A more detailed timeline will be determined after the method of simulation is verified with faculties. The goal of this project is to end up with a hybrid wing body design and to utilize the skills and knowledge we obtained in college.
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Canards Actuels Mac OS